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The Story.​

Hello, I'm Jerome. Founder, photographer, adventurer. Thanks for being here.


It has always been my belief that powerful imagery can change attitudes and behaviours in moments and have a life long effect on how we view the world.


As a young boy, I looked forward to Saturday nights and David Attenborough’s Natural World, which was regularly the highlight of my week. I was immersed in vibrant colours, stunning landscapes and stories of creatures and places that I had yet to see in the flesh. For that hour, I was transported to distant lands from the comfort of my sofa and was left feeling amazed and intrigued about what the planet, we call home, contained.


The imagery presented within National Geographic magazines further fuelled my passion and desire to explore. That iconic, yellow-bordered travel journal arrived at our home monthly, and I would spend hours reading articles about life on and off our planet and dreamt of what life would be like as a photographer documenting these faraway places.


Since those formative years, I have spent my adult life travelling the world, experiencing some of what I saw on the television and magazines first-hand, attempting to capture the beauty of the places I have been fortunate enough to visit. As time has gone on, I have printed and framed many of my favourite images to hang in my home. These images serve as a constant reminder as to the power of inspirational imagery that emerge from the art of travel photography.

It is my aim to visually document our world from different perspectives, to capture images that inspire, challenge our perceptions and create art that promotes emotion. I want people to ask questions about the place, the journey, the experience and the learnings, as so brilliantly described by Joseph Addison (1712) who wrote:

“We find the works of nature still more pleasant, the more they resemble those of art.”

Powerful photography can remind you of the beauty of our planet and bring the wonderful biodiversity of far-off landscapes into your home.  It can inspire people to both explore and protect the most incredible asset we all share.

Over time, additional imagery will be made available on the site, from both myself as I travel, and other photographers and contributors as meaningful partnerships are forged. But for now, I make my body of work available to purchase in the hope of bringing you as much joy to look at, as it does for me to create.

Stay up to date on our journey by joining our mailing list below and by following us on Instagram.

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